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Pour Doom II
Shadows of Darkness
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░░▒▒▓▓ Shadows of Darkness DOOM2 WAD ▓▓▒▒░░
DOOM2 Version
Release 2.0
Readme file
Files that should be included in "SHADOWS2.ZIP":
2) SHADOWS2.TXT (obviously what your reading)
Level specs:
This level is for DOOM2, not DOOM (a DOOM version is out on BBSs), MAP01.
I have included difficulty settings...they aren't as accurate as I'd like 'em.
Cooperative play is recommended, deathmatch is good too (I put all the
deathmatch starts in on area so you and your opponent don't have to
run all around the level just to find each other) and solitare is fun.
Very BIG, with many secrets and switches!!!!!!!!! Go for 100% in everything!
This IS different in some ways from the DOOM version. Check out both and
you'll see. Nothing major, just some more cryptic spots :)
Quick info that you may, or may not care about:
This level was made by Sean Birkel of Bangor, Me using DEU521GC,
DEU2C, and BSP1.2x. I started this level in Dec. of '94, I expected to
finish within a month...but, no, it has taken till March 12th of '95! I made
this for the hell of it, and hell it was...mucho hours, and many brainstorm
headaches. Yes, I do have a life, that is why it took me 3+ months to make
this, usually I do better things than waste time using the computer, but level
making just seemed kinda cool. You now have what I believe to be the best
WAD file made for DOOM2 outside of the "ID" levels in the game. I admit that
I have some ego, but hell, I spent many f***ing hours on this damn thing and I
say it's good! Most WADs you'll get from a BBS will have globs of stuff where
they don't belong, one texture throughout the level...with NO alignment, no
exit, bugs from missing textures, etc., but not this one :) I have made this
as perfect as I could (or had the patience for :) and as close to an actual
"Id made DOOM" level as I could. If you don't like it, well that's ok, at
least respect the time I put in to making this "fit" together. If any of you
out there have tried making levels but they come out bad...don't give up, it
takes a LOT of time to understand how the editors work, It took me about 2
months before I even had a clue about what I was doing! Anyway, I hope you
enjoy this...please upload it to BBS's with the ORIGINAL ZIP file. You can of
course take ideas from this and even some cutting and pasting, I just ask that
you give credit like, "the shitty part of my level was made by this DOOMer up
thar in Bangor, Maine." Well, thanks for reading, etc...Buh-bye :-(burp)
Misc. Info that you also probably don't care about:
This level was made with DEU521GC ─────> The *BEST* level editor for DOOM!!!!
Everything was done on a AM486DX2 80 ──> AMD makes the *BEST* CPU's:)
Spring IS here in Maine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you like this level and would like to leave me a message, call Ambrosia BBS
in Bangor, Me 207-942-7155 or any BBS's in the Bangor area (check "Computer
Shopper" magazine for Maine 207 numbers).
Extra Info
I've also made a DOOM2 deathmatch level called Hangar18, if you find it, get
it! Hangar18 is the favored deathmatch level among my friends and I, and
we only use *good* levels, if you want a copy call Ambrosia or look elsewhere.
Remember...I would like to see these levels accross the country, and I'd
really like to see 'em on a CD-ROM or two :)
░░▒▒▓▓ Remember the two best external DOOMII WAD files you'll ever see are
* "Hangar18" (my personal favorite), and "Shadows of Darkness (DOOM and
The names came from:
1) Hangar18 ───> A Megadeth song
2) Shadows of Darkness ───> A great game by Sierra!
Saying "Buh-bye:"
There! I'm done! Have fun! ░░▒▒▓▓Metallica RULZ!▓▓▒▒░░ Register DOOM if
you haven't already....my levels require the registered version, the guys at
"Id" deserve the money, because they made a kick-ass game! "Seinfeld" is
the *BEST* comedy show :)